Network and infrastructure

We own the national electricity transmission system in England and Wales. The system consists of approximately 4,500 miles of overhead line, over 900 miles of underground cable and over 300 substations.


Network route maps

Find out the approximate location of our electricity transmission network and check the safety implications of your works.

Pylon close up

Working near our assets

Access guidance and support for working near our electricity transmission assets, including overhead lines and underground cables.


Landowners, occupiers, and grantors

Get in touch if you have any questions about electricity equipment maintenance or refurbishment plans in your area, or need information about compensation and reinstatement.


Planning and development

Find electricity-related guidance for national, regional, and local planning authorities and other statutory consultees.

Enquiries about working near our assets

If you have any questions or need more information about working near our network assets, please contact the National Grid Asset Protection team or submit an enquiry via the Linesearch  website.

Linesearch provides search facilities for our assets so you can:

  • check if your works will affect our transmission network
  • find out if it's safe to dig before you start works
  • find out where NGET's buried electricity cables are located
  • identify where NGET's overhead lines are located and request line profile drawings and safety guidance.

Phone: 0800 001 4282 (Asset Protection)

Email: [email protected]

For domestic enquiries, such as metering or power cuts, please contact your local electricity distribution operator, which can be found on the ENA website.

A bright sun shining in a blue sky over a field with electricity pylons

Network Access Policy

National Grid Electricity Transmission’s Network Access Policy (NAP) is written to facilitate collaboration between Transmission Owners, National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) and other stakeholders.

The Network Access Policy is designed to deliver value for consumers in relation to the planning, management and operation of the electricity transmission system in Great Britain.

Download the document