Here you can find out about the range of innovation services we’ll be offering customers through our Deeside Centre for Innovation (DCI) - the first facility in Europe where assets associated with electricity networks can be tested off-grid, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Using funding from Ofgem’s annual Electricity Network Innovation Competition (NIC), National Grid is converting an existing 400kV substation into a high voltage innovation centre.
The Deeside Centre for Innovation (DCI) is the first facility in Europe where assets associated with electricity networks can be investigated, tried and tested, prior to being rolled out on live transmission and distribution systems.
The overhead line (OHL) test area is due for completion in April 2019. This is an important milestone for the facility bringing the first operational area into service so that innovation trials can begin. The centre is due to become fully operational in 2021.
As construction progresses, we’ll be running a number of innovation projects, in phases, over the next four years.
These will deliver benefits in three key service areas:
accelerating innovation
research and development
extending asset life.
We’ll be constructing the facilities at DCI in parallel with delivering the innovation projects, to ensure best value for consumers and the wider industry.
We aim to have the facility fully operational by 2021, and during the construction phases, we’ll be opening up areas as they are completed. The first zone of the facility we're focusing on is the overhead and underground area as well as the control room.
accelerate the development and validation of your technologies by being able to perform evaluations that would not be viable on the live network
develop and trial novel maintenance practices
accelerate the implementation of new technologies and practices through fast/rapid testing and ageing
use the facility for demonstration, training and education.
We’re always keen to work with our customers in the design and development of new projects. Please get in touch to discuss your testing requirements.
The Deeside Centre for Innovation is spread across 19 acres located alongside the River Dee. It will include a substation, overhead line, underground cable sections, workshops, storage space and an innovation centre.
Each of these areas can operate independently or can be combined with other areas to suit any testing requirements. Our high voltage testing capabilities will allow us to replicate transmission and distribution power systems – all in a real substation environment.