2 workers with hard hats
Document library

Please find below published documents for the EGL2 project.

National Grid Core Documents

B. Guidance and Policy (International, National and Policy)

Name Sort descending
Document 1 - National Planning Policy Statement, September 2023
Document 10 - Energy White Paper (December 2020) (1)
Document 11 - UK Government - Land Rights & Consents for ENI Call for Evidence (4 August 2022)
Document 12 - UK Government - Consultation on Strategy & Policy Statement for Energy Policy in Great Britain (2021)
Document 13 - Committee on Climate Change - Net Zero, the UK's Contribution to Stopping Global Warming (May 2019)
Document 14 - UK Government - Net Zero Strategy, Build Back Greener, 2021
Document 15 - North Yorkshire Council Plan 2023-2027 (adopted 2020)
Document 16 - ERYC Joint Minerals Local Plan (adopted November 2019)
Document 17 - NYC Minerals and Waste Joint Plan (adopted February 2022)
Document 18(1) - East Riding of Yorkshire Council Local Plan
Document 18(2) - East Riding of Yorkshire Council Local Plan
Document 19 - Electricity Network Strategy Group - Our Electricity Transmission Network- A vision for 2020
Document 2 - Overarching National Policy Statement for Energy (EN-1) July 2011
Document 20 - Winser Report (August 2023)
Document 21 - Transmission Acceleration Action Plan, November 2023
Document 22 - NPPF December 2023
Document 3 - National Policy Statement for Electricity Networks Infrastructure (EN-5) July 2011
Document 4 - Revised National Policy Statement for Energy (EN-1) (November 2023)
Document 5 - Revised National Policy Statement for Electricity Networks Infrastructure (EN-5) (November 2023)
Document 6 - Dept for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities Guidance on CP process (July 2019)

D. Compulsory Purchase Order and related documents

On 5 September 2023, National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc (“National Grid”) made The National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (Scotland to England Green Link 2) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 (“CPO”) to enable it to compulsorily acquire the land and rights necessary to construct and operate the English onshore elements of the Scotland to England Green Link – SEGL2 (“the Project”). These onshore elements comprise of underground cables, a convertor station and other associated development.

The CPO followed a series of negotiations where National Grid tried to meet voluntary agreements to ensure that the Project can be delivered to meet electricity demand. A copy of the notice confirming the making of the CPO was served on all those with an interest in the land included in the CPO and was published in a local newspaper.

A copy of the CPO, the maps that show the land included in the CPO and the Statement of Reasons, which explains why the CPO has been made and the documents referred to in it, are available to view and download below.

Now the CPO has been made by NGET, it will be submitted to the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero for confirmation. You have the opportunity to object to the CPO. Any objection to the CPO must be made in writing to the Secretary of State for the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero to John McKenna at [email protected] or at John McKenna, the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, Level 3, Orchard 2, 1 Victoria Street, Westminster, London SW1H 0ET by 10 October 2023 and should state the title of the CPO, the grounds of objection and the objector’s address and interests in the land). If you do not wish to object you do not need to take any action.

Depending on the number and nature of objections received, the Secretary of State may decide to hold an inquiry at which an Inspector will hear evidence from NGET and any objectors before making a recommendation to the Secretary of State as to whether the CPO should be confirmed.

NGET remains committed to securing land rights by voluntary agreement and if you would like to continue discussions regarding the voluntary acquisition of your land interests and/or more information about the Project please contact Fisher German on 08454370386 or [email protected].

Further detail on the compulsory purchase process can be found in the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Guidance on Compulsory Purchase Process and The Crichel Down Rules (July 2019), which is available to view and download for free online at GOV.UK.

Other supporting documents

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Transmission consultation documents

Boy flying kite
If you have any questions about our proposals, please get in touch with our community relations team.