Our proposals for Section 6, from Luddington to the M180 motorway, are explained in detail in the Corridor Preliminary Routeing and Siting Study and in overview in our Project Background Document.

This section runs between the B1392 Meredyke Lane and the M180 motorway. The graduated swathe moves away from the route of the existing overhead lines to the east of Luddington, and then is located to the north and west of the operational Keadby Wind Farm.

Our graduated swathe is approximately 1 km in width in the area, which indicates that a more direct route can be taken, with more flexibility in allowing us to route the new overhead line. The swathe breaks into discrete eastern and western paths in places where local constraints have been identified, including Crowle Grange and Ealand Grange.

Approximately 1 km south of Crowle Grange, the preferred corridor intersects the route of the existingb400 kV overhead line from Keadby Substation. At least one span of the existing line would need to be replaced with underground cables in this area to allow the new and existing transmission routes to cross.

Two cable sealing end compounds would be required for the transition between underground cable and overhead line. Temporary diversions of the existing overhead line may be required to ensure continuity of supply, along with the permanent diversion of a short section of the existing overhead line.

Thank you for all the feedback received about this section of the route. We will explain how feedback received at the first stage of consultation has shaped and influenced our plans when we present more detailed proposals at our next round of consultation in 2024.

Map showing Section 6, from Luddington to the M180 motorway. View larger image.