Our proposals for Section 5, from the River Ouse crossing to Luddington, are explained in detail in the Corridor Preliminary Routeing and Siting Study and in overview in our Project Background Document.

This section extends south from the north of Adlingfleet to the B1392 Meredyke Lane, which runs between the village of Luddington and the River Trent. The graduated swathe extends either side of the existing overhead line in this area, as far as a point east of the village of Luddington, where the existing line connects with a second overhead line from the east (referred to as ‘Garthorpe Tee’).

We are considering an eastern and a western path in this section. The eastern path would bring the new overhead line slightly closer to the villages of Adlingfleet, Fockerby and Garthorpe to the east. The western path would bring the new line closely parallel to the existing overhead line, which would limit landscape and visual impacts and would be a preference for a technical and constraint perspective.

Line swap overs may be required in this section, depending on whether the new line follows a western, or eastern, crossing of the river Ouse and depending on whether we there would be line swap overs in earlier sections of the route.

Thank you for all the feedback received about this section of the route. We will explain how feedback received at the first stage of consultation has shaped and influenced our plans when we present more detailed proposals at our next round of consultation in 2024.

Map showing Section 5, from the Rive Ouse crossing to Luddington. View larger image.