Our proposals for Section 1, from Creyke Beck to Skidby, are explained in detail in the Corridor Preliminary Routeing and Siting Study and in overview in our Project Background Document.

This section of the emerging preferred corridor runs from the new substation near Creyke Beck (where the new overhead line would connect into) to a point immediate north of the village of Skidby.

As shown in the figure below, the graduated swathe starts from the edge of the substation search area. The path of the overhead line in the substation search area will be influenced by the final location of the new substation.

We are expecting to route the new overhead line to the north of the existing overhead line to avoid settlements and to the east of the A164.

Thank you for all the feedback received about this section of the route. We will explain how feedback received at the first stage of consultation has shaped and influenced our plans when we present more detailed proposals at our next round of consultation in 2024.

Map showing Section 1, from Creyke Beck to Skidby. View larger image.