Man wearing glasses and purple shirt and a lanyard looking at screens in a control centre
Trade with us

Trade with us

The IFA Interconnector is an active link providing secure, affordable supply of energy between Great Britain and France.

Why choose IFA?

We are the first merchant Interconnector in Europe to offer fully firm products. Our team has 30 years’ experience of developing and delivering high quality products in line with the market needs whilst removing operational risk from our customers.

Our commercial approach has meant that we are able to simplify our registration process and are able to deal with trips in an efficient manner.

We are proud that our IFA Interconnector has the lowest transmission losses than any other NVDC interconnector in the UK, enabling us to increase the profit margin for customers.

We’re here to help. Our robust and user-friendly auction system is fully functionable and straightforward to use – making your life easier.

Our 24/7 friendly and passionate customer support team will be happy to answer any of your questions and provide you with the support required. If you are interested in trading with IFA, please contact the IFA Customer Team.

Interconnector documentation

User certificates

To ensure the Regional Nomination Platform (RNP) remains protected from malicious, real world attacks against the application, it is necessary for all RNP users to install User Certificates. We are currently testing User Certificates in the Train environment and encourage you to download your certificate now to ensure that you will be able to do this later in the Production environment and continue to nominate your capacity.

To download your certificate you should have received the following:

  • A Certificate via email from [email protected]
  • A Password sent via SMS message from Plus4U to your mobile number

If you have not received these please contact the RNP helpdesk.

Loss factor

Charging Methodology

European Network Codes

European Network Code Proposals & Methodologies

Link to the National Grid UK site where you can view approved Network Code methodologies and proposals 

CACM 44 Channel Day Ahead Fallback

This is a regional proposal

CACM 45 NEMO Appointment [And Services] Agreement

As an output deriving from the approved GB TSOs’ day ahead proposal for arrangements concerning more than one Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO) in the GB Bidding Zone in accordance with Article 45 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 establishing a guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management, the following document is published consisting of the standard form agreement (the “Proposed Terms”) as described therein. The respective GB-wide interconnector owners have been instrumental in drafting the standard form agreement and reserve the right to amend such in the future (at all times in compliance with the Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management Regulation and the approved GB TSOs’ day ahead proposal) and will do so in consultation with the respective NEMOs.

CACM 59 Intraday Cross-Zonal Gate Timings

ACER decision 24th April 2018

CACM 69 DayAhead Firmness Deadline Proposal

This is a regional proposal

CACM 69 DayAhead Explanatory Note

Explanatory Note  for the regional proposal

CACM 73 Congestion Income Distribution

ACER decision 14th Dec 2017

FCA 31 Amended Channel Region Design Of Long Term Transmission Rights

This is a regional proposal

FCA 57 Congestion Income Distribution Methodology

Approved 22nd May 2019

FCA 57 CIDM Explanatory Document   FCA 57 CIDM Parameters

ENTSO-E Transparency Platform

Visit for the total sum of nominations, in addition to IFA auction information.

August 2020 Foreword

IFA2 Updates (August 2020)

Future Products (August 2020)

People walking at sunset

How to register

By becoming a customer of IFA and IFA2, you will join our mission of bringing green, renewable energy into the UK. Find out more information on how to register to become an IFA customer.

Products we offer

Find out more information on the products we offer.

Contact IFA

Our Customer Team are here to respond to any queries or feedback on anything IFA related. Please contact us with your enquiry.