What we said we'd do

This stakeholder priority is about how we protect our network from external threats such as cyber-attacks, physical attacks and extreme weather. It also ensures we can respond to and recover from incidents when they happen.

What we've done

Whilst we cannot give specific details of our physical and cyber security delivery plans, we have regular dialogue with Ofgem on delivery progress and are required to submit confidential 6-monthly reporting. We also have regular engagement sessions with Government offices such as National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

In FY23, we got back on track post-COVID delays, leading to catching up with our delivery plan. We aim to catch up fully through the remainder of RIIO-T2. There are also reopener opportunities for extreme weather and physical security which may add further sites to be physically hardened against threats from potential flooding or terrorist attack.

What we're going to do

The graph below shows the cumulative delivery profile of number of sites completed in a year for flooding and physical security. The two have been aggregated for security purposes. It shows both the baseline plan and the latest number of delivered / planned units.

We are still in the process of re- optimising the profile of delivery across the period based on resource availability and how the schemes interact.

Cumulative Flooding

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