To manage the power flows on the existing 275kV Poppleton to Monk Fryston (XC/XCP) overhead line, we need to create a second connection between it and the existing Monk Fryston to Knaresborough and Poppleton to Knaresborough (both XD/PHG) overhead line.
The Tadcaster area is presented as ‘Section D’ within our Consultation Plans, as shared during our Statutory Consultation in 2021. The plans provide a detailed overview of the locations for this infrastructure. Our proposals include building new infrastructure and changes to the existing infrastructure to help manage power flows.
We need to build two new cable sealing end compounds to manage power flows on the existing XC/XCP overhead line, which currently connects to the existing 275kV Tadcaster Tee to Knaresborough (XD/PHG) overhead line in this area. The two cable sealing end compounds (named Tadcaster Tee East and Tadcaster Tee West), each with a footprint of approximately 2,000m2 (0.2 hectares), would be connected by a short section (approximately 350m) of underground cable. We would install gantries in each location, which would be approximately 15m high.
We would also need to remove an existing pylon, which would be replaced with a new pylon approximately 40m to the south-east to allow a connection to the new Tadcaster Tee West cable sealing end compound.
*Please note that the above proposals are shown as they were presented during our statutory consultation in 2021.
Please note this shows our proposals as presented during our statutory consultation.
To help manage the power flows from the new infrastructure, we would also need to undertake works to the existing 275kV Tadcaster Tee to Knaresborough (XD/PHG) overhead line route.
This would involve:
potential works, such as re-tensioning of the conductor on the overhead line; and
potential improvement works to pylons along the 275kV Poppleton to Monk Fryston (XC) overhead line, such as steelwork and foundation strengthening works, replacement of overhead wires, new fittings and new steelwork.
*Please note that the above proposals are shown as they were presented during our statutory consultation in 2021.