National Grid’s David Welling will be cycling from London to the COP26 global summit in Glasgow; a route that will take 7 days, cover more than 1,000km and visit 10 sites of projects working towards net zero – while also raising money for charity.
“I’m the crazy person who is cycling to Glasgow in October,” jokes David, who works in Data Centre Network & Security. “I felt COP26 was a great chance to show how we’re helping the UK on the road to net zero and to highlight the amazing work underway across our network.”
David estimates he’ll spend at least 46 hours in the saddle and plans to arrive in the city on 30 October as world leaders gather for COP26, which starts on 1 November.
“I had the idea of travelling up to Glasgow in an environmentally friendly way and telling the stories of our teams as I went,” David continues. “I’m a keen cyclist and getting there on my bike seemed the cleanest means; so I started to explore a possible route and reach out to colleagues to find out what part they were playing in our net zero journey.”
Day 1: Monday 25 October
Day 2: Tuesday 26 October
Day 3: Wednesday 27 October
Day 4: Thursday 28 October
Day 5: Friday 29 October
Day 6: Saturday 30 October
Day 7: Sunday 31 October
Inspired by the UK’s target of achieving net zero by 2050, David aims to raise at least £2,050 in sponsorship money for The Conservation Volunteers (TCV); a charity National Grid has supported for almost 30 years.
TCV brings people together to create, improve and care for green spaces. From local parks and community gardens to nature reserves and sites of special scientific interest; from school and hospital grounds to waterways, wetlands and woodlands; the charity connects people to the green spaces that form a vital part of any healthy, happy community.
Help David smash his £2,050 target by visiting the National Grid fundraising page. The deadline for donations is 30 November 2021.
You can also follow David’s progress on our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram channels, where we’ll share regular updates and stories of the ‘Net zero to Glasgow’ cycle challenge.