Playing our part to look after the natural environment is very important to us. Across our network, we work closely with Natural England and local authorities to reduce the impact of our activities as best as we can and to protect natural habitats.
We have an environmental team of experts working with us to make sure local habitats, plants and animals are identified and protected before, during and after our construction activities.
As we build and maintain our electricity assets, we seek to reduce our impact on habitats and species, prevent permanent habitat loss, and ensure that we can deliver long lasting positive enhancements.
We carry out extensive surveys across our projects to identify protected species and take special steps to ensure they are not disturbed by our activities.
We own and maintain one of the most reliable transmission networks in the world. To ensure this reliability, we have a duty to defend against trees falling onto power lines that can cause outages and disruption to our network.
However, we take our environmental commitments very seriously, and will work to minimise our impact on, and to protect and enhance our natural world as much as possible.
It can be dangerous for trees to be located too closely to our network – and as we have seen with previous weather events, this proximity can cause issues in the event of a storm, if not managed effectively.
We have a legal requirement to ensure that there are always safe distances between trees and our powerlines, and to maintain safe and secure electricity supplies during adverse weather conditions.
We use advanced technical solutions to prioritise our vegetation management approach, including satellite and aerial imagery ensuring we only remove trees and vegetation that pose a significant risk to our network.
Cutting down trees is always done after careful assessment, and we work closely with ecologists, to ensure we are following recommendations on protecting wildlife. We also engage specialist utility trained arborists, who work in compliance with the ecologists’ recommendations.
We take our environmental responsibilities seriously and we’re working closely with Natural England and local authorities to reduce the impact of our activities as best as we can across the Hinkley project.
It's important that we manage the land we own in ways that create the most value for us and our stakeholders, and for the wider environment in which we operate.