Since our statutory consultation in October to December 2021, further work has been undertaken to progress the design of the Project which has also been developed in light of feedback we received. As a result, we have made changes to the Project in a series of locations.
Information has been sent to the relevant stakeholders in these locations, who have been invited to provide feedback on our updated plans. Feedback can be provided using a feedback form, which can also be downloaded from this page.
Following the close of this targeted localised consultation, we will review and consider any additional feedback we receive before we submit our Development Consent Order (DCO) application, planned for winter 2022/23.
If you have any questions about the Project or this consultation, please contact us using the details below:
Phone: 0800 029 4359
Email: [email protected]
Freepost: FREEPOST YORKSHIRE GREEN CONSULTATION (this text needs to be written in capitals and you do not need a stamp).
Download a copy of our targeted localised consultation feedback form to provide your feedback.