Stakeholder groups

As we develop our business plans, we’re working with stakeholder and challenge groups. Here you can find out more about how they help ensure our plans achieve the right outcomes.

Feedback and challenge from stakeholder groups

In addition to giving our stakeholders a voice as we develop our business plans, we’re working with stakeholder groups, who provide feedback and challenge. They scrutinise our approach, making sure our plans will achieve the right outcomes for all our stakeholders who also include end-consumers. They also challenge and review how we engage with stakeholders in developing our business plan.

Independently chaired stakeholder group

The Stakeholder Group for Electricity Transmission is responsible for scrutinising our business plan for 2021-2026 and reviewing how we engage directly with our stakeholders.

Drawn from a cross-section of the energy industry and beyond, the Group meets approximately every two months. It has an independent Chair, who is a consumer expert and experienced non-executive director.

Scrutiny and assessment of our plans

The Group scrutinises our approach – for example, are we fully representing the priorities of all our stakeholders? Are we making sure that stakeholders have the right opportunities for their views to be heard?

It also assesses areas of our business plans such as the outputs we are committing to, associated costs, the incentives in place and how we plan to deal with uncertainty over the duration of the next price control period.

Reports directly to Ofgem

The Group will report on areas of the business plan it agrees with and any areas of concern in a report to the regulator, Ofgem. The Group will have regular dialogue with Ofgem throughout its tenure through the independent Chair. You can find out more on the Ofgem page here.

Meeting dates

The Stakeholder Group began meeting in July 2018. The meeting dates for 2019 are shown below.














Ofgem’s challenge group

Alongside the Stakeholder Group, Ofgem is creating a challenge group to consider the affordability and sustainability of our plans.

As with the Stakeholder Group, the challenge group will submit a report to Ofgem in addition to our own submissions. You can download the RIIO-2 Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement Guidance document from Ofgem’s website.