Your connection offer includes construction milestones (we refer to them as ‘Appendix J’) that both you and National Grid need to meet to deliver your connection.
We’ve collated the details around these milestones and included what information you need to provide to the ESO. Depending on your connection some of the milestones listed below may not be applicable.
Milestone | Definition |
Date by which connection offer should be signed | You need to sign the offer and return it to NGESO within the timescale specified. If you have any contract queries, please raise these as soon as possible so that we can address them. |
Milestone | Definition |
Apply for planning consent for your works |
Milestone | Definition |
Get planning consent for your work | You need to get planning consent approvals or outcome from relevant authorities. The update should include the planning reference number and any specific information on the planning outcome. |
Milestone | Definition |
Obtain land rights for your works |
Milestone | Definition |
Sign the User Self Build agreement |
Milestone | Definition |
Provide evidence of financial commitment / Final Investment Decision |
Milestone | Definition |
Confirm you have a contract or that you have procured long lead equipment for your work | You are required to share contract award confirmation with NGESO, high level information of assets ordered with delivery lead times (if applicable). You’re not expected to share any confidential information as part of the CONSAG. |
Milestone | Definition |
Work starts at your site | We require clear evidence of site establishment, e.g. site cabins and a spade in the ground. |
Milestone | Definition |
Confirm the design of your substation bays to NGET | You are required to notify NGET for the design of the substation bays with relevant drawings. |
Milestone | Definition |
Confirm the agreement reached by you and the third party doing the third party works | You need to share evidence of the agreement with the third party |
Milestone | Definition |
Final diagrams are exchanged and agreed between you and NGET | You are required to share with NGESO and NGET a final single line diagram, asset layout drawings for any interface points and for any assets located inside National Grid's operational boundary. Please provide CAD and PDF files. For example: where the connection point is within our substation you are required to share information on the cable route inside the operational boundary. |
Milestone | Definition |
Provide data exchange as outlined in the Technical Appendices (TOF):
| Where applicable, you need to share information on the items listed below. For access to the technical specifications from NGET’s extranet website, please contact [email protected] Harmonic Performance Assessment Electromagnetic Transient Assessment You need to provide NGESO with details of such measures and an assessment of the predicted probability and severity of such transients or transformer inrush. Following submission of this data further information may be required, see PC.A.6.2.1 or PC.A.6.5 of the Grid Code. Protection and Control Facilities
Safety and Operational Interlocking Arrangement |
Milestone | Definition |
You and NGET sign an Asset Transfer Agreement | You need to sign the Asset Transfer Agreement issued by NGET. The asset transfer agreement is applicable to bay connections where the ownership of the assets within an existing Bay (400/275/132kV) are transferred to you on acceptance of the agreement. The skeleton bay refers to basic civils structures, space allocated for further population of the Bay. Note that as part of the asset transfer any residual value of the skeleton bay, e.g. early asset write off will be charged back to you. |
Milestone | Definition |
Submit all compliance documentation | You will need to demonstrate compliance against items identified in the compliance statement before energisation. This process can take a long time to complete and therefore it is best to engage early. The compliance process will be managed by a Compliance Manager from the ESO. For more information on the compliance process see: |
Milestone | Definition |
Confirm all necessary third party works are completed | You are required to provide a letter from the relevant third party to confirm that all works required have been completed and the third party accepts that the equipment will be commissioned for generation. |
Milestone | Definition |
All of your relevant works are completed to facilitate Commissioning Programme | Completion of all works required to facilitate the commissioning process. |
Milestone | Definition |
Backstop date | You must demonstrate that you will connect within the timeline given by the backstop date. |