Our emerging preferred corridor was split into 11 sections for members of the public to provide feedback on during our public consultation – which took place between 1 June 2023 and 27 July 2023.

At each end of the corridor, we are also presenting a substation zone; one at the northern end where a new substation would be located north of Creyke Beck, and one at the southern end around the former High Marnham power station site.

The below map shows our graduated swathe, which is located within our emerging preferred corridor.

This indicates where, at this stage, we believe the proposed transmission line might best be located. Darker blue areas of shading represent where it may be more appropriate to route the new line. Lighter blue or unshaded areas, represent where we believe it would be less appropriate. Please see our interactive map for more detail.

There are areas within our emerging preferred corridor where we would look to route the new overhead line in close parallel to the existing overhead line. This would minimise overall environmental and socio-economic impacts.

Map showing our graduated swathe, which is located within our emerging preferred corridor.
Map showing our graduated swathe, which is located within our emerging preferred corridor. View larger image
Interpreting our graduated swathe

Within our graduated swathe, as shown in our Corridor Preliminary Routeing and Siting Study report, we are showing the following:

  • Indicative zone for routeing the overhead line into the new substation at High Marnham, shown by the green area.
  • The areas for potential line swap overs (where the route of the proposed new line could swap from one side of the existing line to the other), shown as the pink hatching.
  • An area where a short section of existing overhead electricity transmission line (east of Ealand and Crowle) may be placed below ground, shown as the purple hatching.
  • Indicative zones for new substations in the Creyke Beck and High Marnham areas, shown by the orange areas.
  • Indicative zone for routeing the overhead line into the new substation at Creyke Beck and at High Marnham, shown by areas bounded in blue.

For completeness, we have also included a potential zone for a separate and unrelated extension of the existing Creyke Beck substation, also shown in orange.

Substation zones

Our plans for North Humber to High Marnham do not include the new substations. However, we are presenting the general search areas for these to show the start and end points for the proposed electricity transmission line.

The graduated swathe also does not cover the substation routeing zones, because the likely position of the new overhead line (for North Humber to High Marnham) cannot be determined until the substations’ positions are fixed. The location and design of these substations will determine the positions of the end of the overhead line, whilst at the same time, the final sections of overhead line will also be taken into account in the process of determining the substation locations.

Route sections

We have produced an interactive map to help you identify where you are in relation you our proposals. You can also input your postcode to determine the nearest sections to you. A series of “sheets” (or maps) have been produced for each section, which provide more detail at a local level.

If you are unsure about this information and which section is most relevant for you, please get in touch with the Community Relations team.