
This page provides help for both new and existing customers who ship gas via the National Transmission Network (NTS). You will find the link to apply to become a shipper via Xoserve and support for interconnectors.

A close up image of a gas furnace blower


Please go to the Xoserve website for more information about how to become a shipper, including the New Customer Support Guide.

Go to the Xoserve website

Our Gas Customer Contracts Team is responsible for developing new agreements or amendments to existing agreements, including interconnector and ancillary agreements.


If you want to become a shipper or trader please visit the Xoserve website.  Xoserve manages the user admissions process, which is the process of setting up a shipper, and you should contact them in the first instance.  

Please note that Ofgem must grant a shipper licence before a shipper user can go live. Trader users do not require a shipper licence.

In addition to new user setup for shippers, Xoserve also facilitates user changes and amendments which may include:

  • company name and address changes;

  • creating new supplier/allocation agent/storage agent on UK Link system;

  • changes to IXN equipment (such as relocation or additional equipment);

  • system access registration or change;

  • user agent appointment/de-appointment;

  • VAT de-registration or changes;

  • facilitating actions to meet new contractual arrangements in user company mergers, de-mergers and discontinuance (to exit the gas market).


The Gas Contracts Team is responsible for developing and amending interconnector agreements, including ancillary agreements and their processes.

In order to ship gas at one of the interconnectors, a shipper will need to accept one of the ancillary agreements. If you would like to receive this service please send an email to [email protected], including the following:

  • full company name;

  • full registered address;

  • registration number of company;

  • unique three digit shipper identifier (allocated to live users);

  • contact name, telephone number, and email address; and

  • the proposed accession date (minimum 20 days notice, but not greater than six months).